Vegan Thaler Recipes

Double Strawberry Cereal thaler

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Orange Cereal thaler

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Chocolate-Orange Cereal thaler

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Double Orange Cereal thaler

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Raspberry Muesli thaler recipe

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Chocolate Raspberry Muesli Thaler recipe

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Almond thaler recipe

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Double Peanut Cereal thaler

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Raspberry Cereal thaler

Recipes are being uploaded

Chocolate-Raspberry cereal thaler

Recipes are being uploaded

Double Raspberry Cereal thaler

Recipes are being uploaded

Recipes are being uploaded

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to be among the first to prepare these sublimely delicious thalers for your family and friends!

"Can you tell me the recipe?" M. K.
Muesli thaler with hazelnuts
"Can it be bought?" Z. D.
"Will there be dereal snacks at the party?" A. F.

These thalers are made from

  • oatmeal

  • sunflower seed

  • buckwheat

  • flaxseed

  • sesame seed

  • peanut

and similar delicious ingredients. They also contain a lot of healthy nutrients.

You can find the nutritional table of the raw materials here >>

That's why I can confidently recommend it for breakfast!

Go Vegan